
The general objective of elementary school is to ensure students acquire a solid foundation of basic skills and knowledge, particularly in reading, oral and written expression and arithmetic.


Elementary school education includes 5 different grade levels (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th).
It is organized in two cycles which make up the elementary school cycles:
1st, 2nd and 3rd grades which make up cycle 2: the learning fundamentals cycle; 4th, 5th and 6th grades which make-up cycle 3: the consolidation cycle.


Elementary school programs ((New elementary school programs), Official Bulletin, Special Issue No. 3, June 19, 2008)



The Learning Fundamentals Cycle begins in kindergarten (which falls within our preschool program). It continues in the first three years of elementary school (in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades).
The key objectives of 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade are:

  • learning to read
  • writing and the French language
  • knowledge and understanding of numbers
  • writing numbers
  • arithmetic with small numbers



In the 1st grade learning to read involves decoding and identifying words and gradually acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary for understanding texts. Learning to read and write, whether it be words, sentences or texts, carried out together, reinforce each other throughout the cycle. These skills are based on oral expression and the acquisition of vocabulary. They are accompanied by an initial introduction to grammar and spelling.



Knowledge of numbers and arithmetic are the key objectives of the 1st and 2nd grades. Problem solving is learned gradually and helps build an understanding of operations. At the same time, regular practice of mental math is essential.


Physical education and sports

Physical education aims to develop motor skills. It offers a first introduction to physical, sporting and artistic activities while also meeting the need and desire to be active. It helps develop a sense of effort and perseverance. The students get to know themselves and others better. They also learn to look after their health.


Foreign languages

Very early on students discover the existence of different languages ​​in their own environment as well as abroad. In the 1st grade an introduction to a foreign language is taught orally. In the second grade the teaching of a language combines oral and written skills. It favors oral comprehension and expression.


Discovery of the world

In the 1st and 2nd grades students acquire reference points in time and space and knowledge about the world. They master the corresponding specific vocabulary. Students go beyond their initial representations by observing and doing hands-on work. They discover and use the basic functions of the computer – they begin to acquire the skills for the computer and internet skills certificate (B.2.i.).


Artistic practices and art history

Artistic activities and cultural references linked to art history heighten the students’ artistic sensibilities as well as their ability to express themselves. These activities are accompanied by the use of precise vocabulary which allows students to express their feelings, emotions, preferences and tastes. An initial exposure to artwork leads them to observe, listen, describe and compare.


Organization for the teaching of art history B.O. n°32 du 28 août 2008

Civic and moral education

The students learn the rules of politeness and behavior in society. They gradually acquire responsible behavior and become more independent.


Consolidation Cycle (4th, 5th  and 6th)

The Consolidation Cycle Programs
Continuing on from the first years of elementary school, the key objectives of the 4th and 5th grades are as follows:

  • The mastery of the French language
  • The basic principles of mathematics

The students prepare to learn and benefit from the various subjects that will be taught in middle school.



The primary goal of teaching French is to provide all students with mastery of the French language, with precise and clear expression, both orally and in writing. It also incorporates all their other subjects: science, mathematics, history, geography, physical education and the arts.

The progression in the mastery of the French language is done according to a program of reading and writing, vocabulary, grammar and spelling. A literature program supports students’ independence in reading and writing.



The practice of mathematics develops the students’ interest in research and reasoning, imagination and abstraction skills, rigor and precision.
From the 4th to 6th grades students enrich their knowledge, acquire new tools and continue to learn to problem solve. The students strengthen their mental math skills. They develop new mental reflexes. In mathematics the acquisition of operations is always associated with their understanding.


Physical education

Physical education aims to develop motor skills and participation in exercise, sports and artistic activities. It contributes to health education by enabling students to learn more about their bodies. It develops safety skills through controlled risk taking. It teaches responsibility and independence by demonstrating moral and social values ​​(respect for rules, self-respect and respect for others).


Foreign languages

Oral comprehension and expression exercises are a priority. Vocabulary is enriched and the sound components of the language remain a major focus. In grammar the goal is to use basic forms. Knowledge of the country’s lifestyles helps to understand other ways of being and acting.

Experimental sciences and technologies
The objectives of experimental sciences and technologies are:

  • To understand and describe the real world, that of nature and the one built by man, and to act on it
  • To control the changes affected by human activity

Observation, questioning, experimentation and practiced argumentation are essential to achieving these goals. An example: hands-on work. This is why knowledge and skills are acquired as part of an investigative process. This research develops curiosity, creativity, critical thinking and an interest in scientific and technical progress.


Humanist culture

To begin to understand the unity and complexity of the world, history and geography provide common temporal and spatial cues. They develop student’s curiosity, observation skills and a critical mind. The students’ work on various writing pieces, for example summaries and timelines, maps and sketches.


Individual or collective artistic practices develop aesthetic sensibilities. They promote expression, thoughtful creation, mastery of gesture and the acquisition of working methods and techniques. In the context of art history, artistic practices are reinforced by in-depth and reasoned exposure to artwork considered in a chronological framework.


Information and communications technology

Digital culture requires the reasonable use of computers, multimedia and the Internet. From elementary school we must aim to teach an attitude of responsibility in the use of these interactive tools. Students learn to master the basic functions of a computer:

  • Knowing the function of the different elements of a computer
  • Using a mouse and keyboard
  • Using a word processor
  • Writing an electronic document
  • Sending and receiving messages
  • Conducting research online
  • Identifying and sorting information
  • Using the Classroom application

Civic and moral education

Civic and moral education allow each student to better integrate into the classroom and school community as they assert their character and independence. It leads them to reflect on the concrete problems posed by their school life and to thus become more aware of the very foundations of morality.

The “common base of knowledge and skills” presents what every student should know and master at the end of compulsory education. Introduced into law in 2005, it constitutes the set of knowledge, skills, values ​​and attitudes necessary for a successful education, life as an individual and as a future citizen.

The common base comprises 7 skills (mastery of the French language, the practice of a  modern foreign language, the main elements of mathematics and scientific and technological culture, mastery of information and communications technology, humanist culture, social and civic skills, independence and initiative).

The common base has 3 levels which are each validated by a national skills assessment in the 3rd, 5th and 9th grades. http://www.education.gouv.fr/cid2770/le-socle-commun-de-connaissances-et-de-competences.html

In addition to the French program there are Spanish and Catalan language classes.

The teaching of English begins in 1st grade.

Non-Spanish speaking students and those who do not speak Catalan benefit from an adapted language program (introductory classes) in their 1st year for Spanish and in their 2nd year for Catalan. Non-French speaking students benefit from French language classes during their school time.

In total the students have 26 hours of classes per week. Language hours are gradually increased from 1st grade to the third Cycle.

Students who need it receive individual tutoring from a teacher.


The school project

Each school (preschool, elementary, middle and high school) sets up a project for a period of 3 years. This school project is part of a larger project, that of the entire Lycée Français de Barcelone. It also includes parts of the Iberian zone project. This year begins the new school projects period (2017/2021).



The school has the following facilities: a gymnasium, a dance hall, a judo room, a motor skills room, two playgrounds (one of which is also used for sports). We share the high school’s sports facilities (handball, volleyball, track).

Along with the secondary school we also have the benefit of a cafeteria, a multipurpose room (theater, dance, cinema, etc.), a radio recording studio and an infirmary.



The Elementary School Library or BCD (bibliothèque centre documentaire) (BCD)

The library is a place of linguistic and cultural exchange.
Students have access to regularly updated media of all types: books, videos, DVDs, audio cassettes, CDs, computers, etc.
All children have access to book loans for a period of two weeks.
Various library activities are offered throughout the year.
All students are gradually trained in documentary research and learn to use the various computer tools available to them: BCDI library software, encyclopedic CD-ROMs, the internet, etc.
They can visit the BCD during their lunch break (before or after their meal).


Specific projects

Depending on the projects in different classes and/or grade levels, different activities may be offered, such as: discovery classes, introduction to rugby, tennis, climbing or sailing; heritage classes, dance or film projects, etc.


Others services

  • School transportation morning and evening (times and pick-up points communicated on request)
  • School lunches 4 days a week,
  • Sports activities organized by the Sports Association
  • Extra-curricular activities offered by the APE



For additional information please contact the Elementary School Secretariat: +34 93 252 57 25