
What is it ?

The Ecology Workshop, which takes place every week, is an incubator for environmental projects.


Students – eco-delegates and other volunteer students – imagine, learn and work on their projects: creating a stick insect farm with explanatory signs, ensuring that only recycled paper is used at LFB, making a sign to remind people of the importance of turning off the lights when leaving a room and opening the curtains rather than turning the lights on in class, publishing awareness-raising articles in the newsletter, building an insect hotel, planning a visit from a punt verd mobil  [recycling truck] to LFB, creating an exhibition to raise awareness about waste, creating a green wall, etc.


Each project must be developed to answer three questions: What? Why? How? Because it’s not enough to just have an idea. You also have to prove its relevance, and carry it out from A to Z.


Success in convincing others necessarily requires knowledge of environmental issues. All students are therefore offered training modules on different themes and concepts such as biodiversity, the ozone layer, energy, trees, climate change, etc.


It is an opportunity to see that a project requires hard work and determination; and that it is not enough to just to want something. However, it is also an opportunity to realize that given the means, we all have, whatever our age, the possibility of changing things on our own level.


A workshop based on action, responsibility, and optimism!
The workshop is open to all students, from Fifth grade to high school Seniors.